BABY BEAVER-what you did not know about beavers.
The beaver is the largest rodent of the northern hemisphere, is massive and stocky build, an excellent swimmer and diver, enabling timber body.
Body length reaches up to one meter in height and 30 cm ridge, a wide and flat tail reaches also to one meter. An adult weighs 20-30 kg. The body is strong, hunched back. Belly is hung, neck is short and thick. The head is broad and narrow rear and forward ends short and blunt snout. The legs are short and very strong, the back are a little longer than the front, and ending with five fingers. The forelegs have strong fingers and nails, which well-digging the ground and on the rear between the fingers has webbed feet. The body is covered with hair (except tail, which is a laminate), which is on the outside of firmer, and beneath it a very fine fuzz.
The hair color is dark brown to grayish, lighter on the belly. Like all rodents, the beaver is very different made-marrying front teeth, glodnjacima, which are red in color. Powerful jaws and sharp glodnjaci allow him biting wood and demolition and prigrizanje trees. There are 20 teeth. Dentist's formula: 11/0, P1 / 3, M1 / 3rd.
SENSES, VOTING AND TRACKSThe beaver is the best-developed sense of sight. Well see and at night, when the most active. They are well developed, and his hearing and sense of smell, but with vision, often relies on the hearing. In addition to having good senses, is very intelligent and well-evaluate the potential risks and is rarely in trouble. Because stocky build and short legs slow and clumsy on the ground and would rather stay in the water or directly next to it. The beaver has a distinct and specifi c form of voting. Ordinary beaver danger or desperation manifested a strong blow or specific growl. In summer, the settlements can hear cičanje youth, which resembles the cičanje mouse. The
characteristic is the sound of a beaver tail swipe the water when
frightened, it is heard as a strong blow to an oar in the water. Behind beaver remain many traces, by which one can recognize his presence in an area. Typical
are following in his footsteps: footprints in the mud or snow, the
output ditches on the coast, exit holes, eroded and destroyed the trees,
above the ground-dwelling mounds and dams.
Beaver living in families in which the backbone parental couple. In one family may be from 2 to 6 individuals, depending on the natural growth. In fact, with parental couple remain young until they reach adulthood. So, in the same family living parents with two generations of young people. Young people are in the third year after puberty and then leave the parental couple. They are very affectionate and caring. A young care of both parents, and when they raise female, male brings her food in the enclosure. Agree on and work. Thus, in the construction of major dams work by all members of the family, and sometimes teams up and more families. Respect territoriality, so close to one family does not inhabit the other, if it tried, conflicts arise and fight for territory. The territory of a family generally is the diameter of one kilometer from the house.
The beaver is the largest rodent of the northern hemisphere, is massive and stocky build, an excellent swimmer and diver, enabling timber body.
Body length reaches up to one meter in height and 30 cm ridge, a wide and flat tail reaches also to one meter. An adult weighs 20-30 kg. The body is strong, hunched back. Belly is hung, neck is short and thick. The head is broad and narrow rear and forward ends short and blunt snout. The legs are short and very strong, the back are a little longer than the front, and ending with five fingers. The forelegs have strong fingers and nails, which well-digging the ground and on the rear between the fingers has webbed feet. The body is covered with hair (except tail, which is a laminate), which is on the outside of firmer, and beneath it a very fine fuzz.
The hair color is dark brown to grayish, lighter on the belly. Like all rodents, the beaver is very different made-marrying front teeth, glodnjacima, which are red in color. Powerful jaws and sharp glodnjaci allow him biting wood and demolition and prigrizanje trees. There are 20 teeth. Dentist's formula: 11/0, P1 / 3, M1 / 3rd.
The beaver is a monogamous animal species, sexually mature with 2.5 years when the young beavers are separated from their parents and establish a new family. Steaming from January until March and takes place in water. The gestation period is an average of 105 days, and the young people coming to the world from travnja to June. There is one generation per year. Female give birth to 1-5 young people who watch and hairy as soon after birth. The cubs weigh 500 to 700 grams and a long 30 - 35 cm. Suck about 2 months. The foods are beginning to take after 2 months of age, when they start to emerge from the house. Beaver experiencing age 17 to 20 years, and up to 16 active part in reproduction.
The beaver is a monogamous animal species, sexually mature with 2.5 years when the young beavers are separated from their parents and establish a new family. Steaming from January until March and takes place in water. The gestation period is an average of 105 days, and the young people coming to the world from travnja to June. There is one generation per year. Female give birth to 1-5 young people who watch and hairy as soon after birth. The cubs weigh 500 to 700 grams and a long 30 - 35 cm. Suck about 2 months. The foods are beginning to take after 2 months of age, when they start to emerge from the house. Beaver experiencing age 17 to 20 years, and up to 16 active part in reproduction.
The beaver is the exclusive herbivore. In summer, food juicy herbaceous plants that is in the water or directly on the coast. Eat grass, sedges, young shoots and leaves of hardwoods, and in winter, outside the vegetation period, its main food bark hardwoods and only alive and young. Its typical jaws cutter (steam teeth on the upper and lower jaw) beaver is able to fell a tree. So it is possible that it in one night down trees section 15 cm. Always one individual handles a tree. A typical sign that it is the work of castor spherical form of the cut on the tree. The daily demands of beavers are about 1-2 kg tree bark. Tree crashes firstly in order to get to the young bark in the crown, but also for the construction of dams. From woody species for food he used most of willows and poplars, then birches and less oak, alder, hazel, elm, ash and rare conifers. Eating more than 300 herbaceous and woody plants.
The beaver is the exclusive herbivore. In summer, food juicy herbaceous plants that is in the water or directly on the coast. Eat grass, sedges, young shoots and leaves of hardwoods, and in winter, outside the vegetation period, its main food bark hardwoods and only alive and young. Its typical jaws cutter (steam teeth on the upper and lower jaw) beaver is able to fell a tree. So it is possible that it in one night down trees section 15 cm. Always one individual handles a tree. A typical sign that it is the work of castor spherical form of the cut on the tree. The daily demands of beavers are about 1-2 kg tree bark. Tree crashes firstly in order to get to the young bark in the crown, but also for the construction of dams. From woody species for food he used most of willows and poplars, then birches and less oak, alder, hazel, elm, ash and rare conifers. Eating more than 300 herbaceous and woody plants.
Beaver lives in watercourses and water surfaces covered with rich swamp vegetation of herbaceous and woody species. Basic his habitat conditions constant and deep enough water (at least 30 cm). If inhabits a small watercourse, which sometimes becomes too shallow, and on it build a dam to the water level was sufficient to protect the entrance to the enclosure. On their homes and halls built so enters always below the water level. Length of the tunnel can be up to several meters, and they end up in the form of an expansion of the boiler sections 60 - 90 cm, height 80 cm, it is the center of all happenings in the life of the beaver and is located above the water surface. In this area are educated and young.
Beaver lives in watercourses and water surfaces covered with rich swamp vegetation of herbaceous and woody species. Basic his habitat conditions constant and deep enough water (at least 30 cm). If inhabits a small watercourse, which sometimes becomes too shallow, and on it build a dam to the water level was sufficient to protect the entrance to the enclosure. On their homes and halls built so enters always below the water level. Length of the tunnel can be up to several meters, and they end up in the form of an expansion of the boiler sections 60 - 90 cm, height 80 cm, it is the center of all happenings in the life of the beaver and is located above the water surface. In this area are educated and young.
Water is the beaver space that moves, which transported construction materials for the building or the dam and that it serves to regulate body temperature. The water is primarily protection. His ideal habitat natural bodies of water, streams, small rivers and lakes, but is doing fine and the canals and lakes if they are well covered with vegetation. It avoids large rivers with strong water currents and large fluctuations of water. Although beaver adaptable species, though there is a conflict between beavers and humans, usually where there is a man with cultivating the land came to the shore. But the coexistence of man and the beaver is still possible, if the beaver for its living space wide enough to leave the coastal strip with a lot of coastal vegetation, which he uses as food.
Beaver living in families in which the backbone parental couple. In one family may be from 2 to 6 individuals, depending on the natural growth. In fact, with parental couple remain young until they reach adulthood. So, in the same family living parents with two generations of young people. Young people are in the third year after puberty and then leave the parental couple. They are very affectionate and caring. A young care of both parents, and when they raise female, male brings her food in the enclosure. Agree on and work. Thus, in the construction of major dams work by all members of the family, and sometimes teams up and more families. Respect territoriality, so close to one family does not inhabit the other, if it tried, conflicts arise and fight for territory. The territory of a family generally is the diameter of one kilometer from the house.
obzirom na svoju veličinu i prostor u kojem obitava, dabar
ima razmjerno malo prirodnih neprijatelja. Nekada mu je glavna
opasnost bio vuk, a katkad za mladunce lisica i orao. Najviše je stradavao
zbog svoga krzna. Danas je za dabra ponajprije opasnost promet,
potom čovjek sa svojim zahvatima u staništu, a u blizini naselja i psi